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Industrial Culture Poets Main Menu. The Poets of an era define that time with their poetry. This site defines the remnants of the Industrial Culture that is dying in North America but still strong in Asia and other countries.

Ritual of the Dark Time. A Performance Art piece that honors primal man as he may have been just before Civilization took complete control of his life.

Jack's Theorem and the Primal Thought. An early (1993) Performance Art Piece that influenced Industrial Culture Performances through the beginning of the new millennium. This has been updated (2006) with new video added.

The Red Queen Principle. This a performance that uses afterimages to explain our position in the universe. It was performed in 2006 and contains previously undiscovered information.

Return to the Super Code menu. This performance was done in the early 1990's and is a forerunner for all "Evolution" performances that followed it. Additional Performance Art Pieces by Jack Bowman. Links to more than 50 performance art pieces that were performed in the Midwest during the past fifteen years. Email Address for Jack Bowman. The subject of your email must have the words Performance Art in it for me to open it.
